Estate Appraisal

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Did You Inherit a Property?

Set up an estate property valuation in Los Angeles, CA and surrounding counties.

The value of a property in the Los Angeles, CA and surrounding counties varies depending on the environment, neighborhood and condition of the home. If you inherited a property, you’ll want to find out its fair market value so you can list it for sale or determine who gets what. Schedule an estate property valuation with the professional at Carlton Haugh Appraisal Services to get the clarity you need. We’ll conduct a thorough property assessment, then let you know what it’s worth. Set up an estate appraisal today.

Turn to an expert appraiser for

quality work

We’ll go the extra mile to ensure that your experience with us is as smooth as possible. Our goal for estate appraisals is simple: to provide you with the information you need to make the best financial decision. Our assessments are nonbiased, thorough and accredited. You’ll breathe a sigh of relief knowing that your estate property valuation is in good hands.

Contact us now to schedule your service in Los Angeles, CA and surrounding counties.

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